
Hades limited edition

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Hades limited edition


head - https://23mink.gumroad.com/l/MaleHeadUpdate?layout=profile
body - https://mistyvr.gumroad.com/l/Acebase?layout=profile&recommended_by=library
hair texture - https://wetcat.gumroad.com/l/75hairtex?layout=profile

body texture - edit by me ( i just added the lighting marks on him )
hair - https://cryptidwilbur.gumroad.com/l/ElegantHair?layout=profile&recommended_by=library
hair - https://payhip.com/b/ebJQH
hair - https://payhip.com/b/6mMtb
sclap - https://jinatonic.gumroad.com/l/vduwtc?layout=profile&recommended_by=library

turtle neck - https://thesmokedninja.gumroad.com/l/pjlwih?layout=profile&recommended_by=library
suit - https://thesmokedninja.gumroad.com/l/qfjqt?layout=profile
pants - https://thesmokedninja.gumroad.com/l/ahgmf?layout=profile&recommended_by=library
dress shoe - https://payhip.com/b/CoeKW?ref=jinxxy
shoe - https://plaz.gumroad.com/l/dunklow?layout=profile&recommended_by=library
hoodie - https://kc3d.gumroad.com/l/TurtleTechbyKC
pants - https://kc3d.gumroad.com/l/StraightJeansKC?layout=profile
fishnet - https://pokerblunders.gumroad.com/l/malefishnet?layout=profile&recommended_by=library
sock - https://plaz.gumroad.com/l/sockpack?layout=profile&recommended_by=library
boxers - https://arturvr.gumroad.com/l/boxers?layout=profile&recommended_by=library
glasses - https://heyitskaylee.gumroad.com/l/gfquw?layout=profile&recommended_by=library
ring - https://deves.gumroad.com/l/ChromeRing?layout=profile&recommended_by=library


glowing eyes - https://zepwlert.gumroad.com/l/IcyPack?layout=profile&recommended_by=library
body strom - https://zepwlert.gumroad.com/l/FullBodySmoke?layout=profile&recommended_by=library
valen wolf -https://starkotic.gumroad.com/l/ValenWolfPet?layout=profile

stuff i made on my own
staff - made by me
crown - made by me
skin lighting - made by me

what you need
goco loco - https://franadavrc.gumroad.com/l/gogoloco?layout=profile&recommended_by=library
hot dog - https://scarlettkat.gumroad.com/l/ScarlettHDPP?layout=profile&recommended_by=library
sps - https://wholesomevr.gumroad.com/l/sps?layout=profile&recommended_by=library
crystal shader - https://booth.pm/ja/items/1148311
better gestures - https://kirishop.gumroad.com/l/Better_Gestures?layout=profile&recommended_by=library

show case music
dancer - pinkydaduck and kai.vr
model bubbles picture taker - self pictures
recorder - julu
viedo editer - julu

skin shift , hair shift , hair hue , hair style , fishnet , fishnet hue , outfit shift , suit shift , suit hue , dress shirt hue , dress shirt shift , sweater shift , sweater hue , fishnet shift , fishnet hue , gloves , glasses , hoodie , hoodie shift , hoodie on , pants shift , boxer shift , shoe shift , socks , and shows textures , god mode , smoke , crown , staff ,

face expirations



not safe for work


there a dog for the normal


- P
lease do not claim this as your own
- Don't resell it This person put a lot of work on
- You're more than welcome to edit it and show your awesome editing work
- Please no ripping things off this avatar ( we did work very hard for this )
- If there is an item you like please read and look at the link

this is our first time making our avatar with the assets that we bought in our account and we want to make an account together to sell our things as a good friendship business and learn how to make our own later in the future to context this person who made the soft avatar here the info

I want this!
1.48 GB
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